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A member registered Oct 13, 2019

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Hey! I just released an update to our rendering engine using your tool! It looks so damn amazing. The game is so far from being ready to be put online, but feel free to check out what I did at ! 

Mind you, you'll need to sign in with a gmail account at before the planets will load.

Still trying to figure out where I'll put your credits on this, but don't worry no one uses it yet except close family :P 

Wow thank you so much I just dove in to the source code, while also reading the entirety of the book of shaders. Look like you're right! I remember reading somewhere, WebGL1.0 can't do dynamic loops, they have to be fixed, and I found this myself :) Pretty proud of myself! haha. 

I'm going through one line at a time learning how your genius came up with this.

Thank you so much for looking in to this for me!

Ah, I think I found the problem. I was targetting GLES2. 
Since you are a god of shading, I'm curious if you know off-hand what functions / vars you're using that would be breaking on GLES2 web?

This tool is incredible. 

I am working on a space monopoly-esque browser game. 

I imported your Planets folder into my game, mounted one on the board to see how it looked, and it's freaking amazing. I will be attributing you big time on these, hands down you'll bring our circle graphics to AAA pixel game graphics :D 

But, when I export it to web, they don't render, and they output a ton of console logs in my browser.

If I want to use this in my own project, should I instead just be using the shaders?

Thanks for the help :) 

I previously asked you how you achieved these portals in your game. Now I see you've been working on non-euclidean games for the past 20 years. Damnit. Crushed my dreams! =) This was a very interesting read!

Dude, I played this a while back on my rift in a tiny play space. Now, I set up my quest in my parents HUGE basement, and having the huge play area, plus the wireless thing going, was INSANE! I was legit jogging through the level. 

I'm glad you brought this to quest! Can't wait for a full release =) 

Are there any tutorials on how you achieved getting a player being able to turn corners and seeing a new hallway that intersects where they just were while not showing any of that path? Are you teleporting the user, is it some kind of custom shader? I'm very curious!

Great work =) Thanks